Yeah well, my man can kill oliphaunts!

Dec 24, 2003 12:39

CHRISTMAS IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! *dances dances dances* The Christmas post will the on le blog though. This is only for ROTK lovin'.

*faints* I saw it on Friday (I know, it's taken forever for me to get this review up, but I have been a busy girl), and oh *clutches heart* it was so beautiful.

+ Smeagol... creepy creepy creepy! I was surprised he even talked freaky when he was still a hobbit. Showing the transition over the years was gross but uber nifty.

+ ok I was going to talk about this toward the end, but I just can't hold it. Legolas and that oliphaunt rocked my freaking socksessssss. What toastandtea said was true:
Why must you be so annoyingly popular? Damn yooooou teeny-boppers! DAAMN YOOOU
Yes why must you be so popular? Granted I am a teenager, but I HATE liking something everyone else likes (which is probably one of the reason that I haven't turned S/V this Alias season cause there are some cute scenes). But with that aside, I still love him very much. *giggles* I was laughing when he was counting "93...94..." Also his tiara was quite pretty, I'd like to have it. Oh! one more fangirl squeal and I'm done. I know Faith saw it, but did y'all notice when Leggy walked in the door to see when Frodo woke up and that smile he had on his face? *faints but not before the fangirlish squeal*

+ Pippin. *clutches heart* I'm going all gangsta wannabe here and say that Pippin was Pimping. Oh, when he sang, I cried and cried. It was SO beautiful! I have fallen in *heart* with Billy Boyd!

+ Sam. I have also fallen in *heart* with Sean Astin. He was so so so wonderful in this movie. He needs to be winning an Oscar for that role. Most of the times I cried in this movie was scenes with him. Which btw, I don't ship them, but him and Frodo just needed to snog already.

+ Eowyn freaking kicked bootay. It was such a great scene when she and Merry killed the big bad nazgul.
"No man has ever beaten me."
"I am no man."
booyah! Oh, and the three seconds towards the end where her and Faramir were shot together really summed up their relationship don't ya think (Note sarcasm).

+ Hobbits. Just them in general, I love them.

+ Aragorn, because he was freaking cool and looked freaking good while doing it.

+ Minas Tirith. so freaking awesome. Before the movie started I had heard it was better than Helm's Deep and I was thinking, "No way, that's the best battle scene ever." I was wrong.

BTW, don't you just heart my new icon? ;)
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