Title: Empire State of Mind - Chapter 7: Two Become One
Author: agentb81 & lizzylizbian
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10900
Disclaimer: Glee is copyrighted and belongs to the creators and Fox. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not
for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Use of other
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but ya know, i get it now. i'm proud of what we accomplished with this. but mostly, i'm proud of *you*.
solely considering your words... it was a brilliant chapter. the whole setup. the whole nervous anticipation in the beginning (especially with san + the sauce). the whole cooking a meal together. the conversation about god and religion and britt's fabulously simple (yet oh so deep) view. and there were laughs (ie. it's italian, the angelina UN movie).
my fave chapter. FAVE! seriously, it had everything. and i genuinely felt like i was watching a movie - which is awesome!
you, my dear, rock! and this fic rocks. will comment more on the second part. xoxoxoxo
I'm proud of us too, but I don't think I deserve your pride. You deserve mine.
I'm really pleased it turned out the way it did and that you liked it so much, it's easily my favourite chapter too. You're comparison to watching a movie - best compliment ever.
Thank you whole heartedly. For everything.
<3 xxxx
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