More Doctor Time?

Apr 03, 2010 11:33

Okay, so I've been somewhat quiet lately. The reason being is that I've been getting ready for my trip to Tallahassee next week (YAY FLORIDA!) and doing doctor stuff.

You know how I posted that I was diagnosed with scoliosis? Well, my physiotherapist did his assessment of me and thought that there was a lot more going on with me than just that, so he wrote to my doctor and sent me back for more tests.

Hey guys, I've got Rhumetoid Arthritus! (and possibly some other things)

It's not so bad, I figured out like years ago that I probably had arthritus but most doctors just shrugged it off with stuff like "How would you know what arthritus feels like?", "You're too young to have it", "There's nothing we can do for something like that anyway so there's no point testing for it", ect.

I'm just really happy to finally have a documented diagnosis. I'm being referred to a Rhumetologist, and I'll have to do some more tests for it before they decide what kind of treatment would be best for me.

entry: medical state, entry: my life, moments showing how fucked my life is

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