From the epically awesome
ghostofthemotif !
The Rules:
▪ Leave me a comment saying "Suddenly an unconscious Argentinian fell through my roof."
▪ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
▪ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
▪ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1) What inspired you to first start writing?
That's kind of a tough one, I've been writing for so long it's hard to track down the root... It's like asking who invented the wheel. I think it was the plain and simple reason that I was good at it. I was reading and writing at age three and noticed that even when I wrote simple sentences ("I love my cat Sandy", "My dad is a police officer", "I like watching tv", ect) the adults around me totally flipped out that I could do it. Then I found out that no one my age in the school could do it and that's what made me want to read and write at all times. I'm a total braggart and the idea that I was so far above my classmates gave me a lot of joy.
2) What song do you think would be your theme song?
Umm... I've been sitting here for over an hour going through the 1,200 songs on my ipod trying to pick so I decided to do the top three in no particular order: 3) Who is your role model?
4) If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be and why?
Honestly? Here. Anywhere else? I sometimes cry at night because I want to be in London so badly.
5) What kind of characters are typically your favorite?
I tend to fall for the screwed-up ones. Washington, Batman, Rorschach, Riddick... It's really masochistic of me, but it's how I roll. Also the assholes. I go for mentally fucked-up assholes.