Disconnect... sigh

Aug 03, 2009 20:42

This post is coming to you from Poland because I got an email from Ka-Blam, the printing company I am/was using for Disconnect.

When I signed up to send them the comic for printing, I went to their manga-size trade paperback page. On this page is a paragraph which includes the line "compliance with our technical specs and our stated printing guidelines..." "Technical specs" is a link that goes to this specs page. This link is also at the top of their site. This is what I looked at to make print files for my comic, and hey, it promises that I only need to consider FIVE SIMPLE THINGS to get my files proper. ONLY NOW did I get an email telling me that the comic is NOT properly formatted, and that there are separate guidelines I was supposed to follow.

The rep started his message to me with "I'm sorry if no one here's contacted you before now..." Gee, you only had 5 weeks to work with! I get back from vacation in a few days. At that point I'd have to buckle down and rework all 80-odd pages of art using their template, and go through the whole waiting game again. I'm really frustrated right now, to say the least, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, but I'll probably upload the rest of the comic and save the extras for the print edition, if we ever get to it.
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