ryoji ikeda + alva noto - cyclo @ abracadabra festival, 35 mm - 04192007
carsten nicolai is an artist dreamin of translating the proportions of the
wittgenstein house into frequency and pitch. do not miss the audio-visual collaborative project with ryoji ikeda within the frameworks of abrakadabra festival.
cyclo is a project which examines error structures and repetitive loops in software and computer programmed music, with audiovisual modules for real time sound visualization. the artists are developing a database of sounds that they are composing for the visual responses these produce when analysed in real time using equipment developed originally for phase correlation in mastering vinyl records. with the help and development of such stereo image monitoring equipment, metering has become a visual process. the phase and amplitude of stereo signals can now be illustrated
casten nicolai site interview with raster-noton video interview -
pt.2ryoji ikeda site comtemporary magazine article