My DeviantArt has stuff in it!

Apr 13, 2010 23:03

I've had a DeviantArt account for a while, but all I had was my one rather shoddy piece of Dragonlance fanart.

But now I have a graphics tablet.  And I have been having FUN.

So, I actually have some pictures up now!  I'll be putting up some portraits of my PPC agents in a few days, once I've finished the batch (I have a lot of agents.), but for now, I've got some Grease fanart (yes, the musical) and a meme.  I'd never done an art meme before.

Anyway, that's my shamless pluggage.  I'll make another post of shameless pluggage when I have some PPC stuff on there, but if anyone wants to look at my other strange art, my account is here

art, fandom

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