word cloud of a monologue just tossed into the one-act i'm working on, potentially for high school kids. may not stay there, + will certainly change, but i don't think i mind you seeing it now if it's all scrambled up like that.
central character shares a name with a girl who said "ew" looking at my legs in 8th grade gym class; who helped compose unflattering notes signed "the fairies"; whose later-girlfriend i may have been slightly taken with my own self when i sat next to her in grade nine, because it was english class + she was really into it. no particular reason. it was the name that occurred to me, + the memories, as they bubbled up later, did not contribute much. only thing: i can't picture a _____ with ungolden hair, but being contradicted is all part of the fun.
i am sometimes in love. i expect to be returning there shortly. (my head's there right this minute, but my heart is waiting 'til my body gets home.)
i need improvement. i am going to make LESSONS for myself. then maybe i will be better at following the ones other people would like to teach me.
(i do not think it is homeschooling. i will tell you if i think of a different official name. unless + until such an event transpires, the official name is LESSONS.)
+ i am in search of guest instructors on some subjects, no doubt including some i haven't thought of yet.
+ you are welcome to drop in + out of my class as it pleases + conveniences you. coming soon, perhaps, a proper (although doubtless incomplete) list of course seekings + offerings.
i want so much to be the person i struggle to make you think i am.