Sep 13, 2004 09:32
LI>I'm new to LJ.
If you don't like my journal don't read it.
If you don't like it for a specific reason, give me some constructive advice.
That being said... I don't really have much to say in my life. Most of what I want to say can't be said because I live in fear of offending other people. I know that sucks but it's true. I have alot of opinions, but I don't voice them unless I can do so without hurting other people's feelings or unless I know the other people agree with me. I think it's funny, because all of my 'friends' would always tell me that I needed to speak up for myself more often and share my opinions. So then I wouls speak up for myself and tell them what I wanted to do... and they would just ignore me and do what they wanted anyways. Or they would get pissed off because I said something they didn't wanna hear. So I think it's just much easier to not say anything. This is also part of the reason I'm very glad I'm not hanging out with any of those people anymore. I dont really hang out with anyone anymore.
My fiance' lives in England and most of the friends i ahd took me for granted and used me whenever it benefited them. Because of them i have more credit card debt than I can afford at the moment. BEcause of them I'm afraid to even tell other people when something they do hurts my fellings or makes me mad. Here's a typical example of my "friends": One of them is angry at their parents, so they start yelling at me and venting by taking it out on me... when I finally get tired of being insulted and pushed around verbally for something I didn't do, i would say somethng along the lines of "sorry, but dont blame me." then I get yelled at and my "friends" think I'm PMSing and over-reacting....
Why is it okay for them to treat me like crap, but when I try to say something in defense of myself, all of a sudden, I'm the one with the attitude problem??? Yeah... so that's why I pretty much just stick to myself now, cuz really, who needs friends who make you feel like crap. ya know?