I updated my
Icarus journal after a slight hiatus. I just haven't been feeling all that inspired lately. I guess it's just been the onset of all my money problems and such getting me down. I really wish I could get motivated to finish up my unfinished story and work on some poetry. Maybe I'll devote some time in the next couple days to that since I don't have to work. I also need to finish up a couple books sometime soon. There is also a couple movies I've been wanting to watch really badly lately. Namely SLC Punk and Garden State.
Sometimes I wish life would give you some clues if you took to long to do something. Something that let you know that you were at least on the right track. I mean, I would like to know that the things I'm doing right now are at least the right things. I'd hate to find out later that everything I'm going through could've easily been avoided. Then again, if things could be easily avoided, life would be easy. And I'm sure we all know at this point that life is not easy. It can't be easy because that would be against its nature. People often complain about how hard life is, but that's how life is. It has to be hard in order for us to learn and grow and change and become who we are. If everything was just handed to us we'd be completely useless to other people and society. Sure, I whine a lot about problems I'm having, but not once will you ever hear me say life is hard. Life is weird, life is unpredictable, life is ever changing, but I never say it's hard. I also never say it's easy because it's not. You may be saying, "well if it's not easy it must be hard." No, not this time. Life is life and we all have to learn to accept that. Life isn't going to suddenly become easy when you hit a rough spot. Your boyfriend broke up with you, your girlfriend left you, you don't know what to do about that girl at work, you get into a car accident, etc. etc. Life is just going to sit back and watch how you handle it. It knows you can handle it, otherwise it wouldn't have come around. Or would it have? Hmm, interesting thought. Do you like how I basically treat/talk about life as if it was a person? Or something physical that is constantly following us? I just realized that I always tend to do that. Talk about life as if it were a person that is. It's just easier to imagine it as a tangable thing rather than something uncontrolable. Though, the controlability of life is really all a matter of personal opinion. Can we change the out come of our lives or is it all predetermined? I don't know. And if you think you do you're a liar, even if you are my best friend. We can guess and speculate all we want, but never will we know. Part of me likes to believe that it doesn't matter. I believe it's a mixture of the two. I like to believe that only the end of our life is predetermined. The path leading up to that ending is all up to us. There are many different paths with twists and turns all along the way, but in the end it's all the same. I actually expanded more on this idea in a story I wrote currently titled "Monk", though I'm not a big fan of that title. If you're interested in the story let me know and I'm sure I'll let you read it.
So this went from another pointless entry to a little bit of a rant. All I really wanted to say was that I updated my
Icarus journal. The only reason I mention my Icarus journal in my entries still is that I have hopes more people will start reading it. If you do read it and haven't added the journal to your friends list, please do. I enjoy knowing who all actually reads my work. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, there is no time like the present. There is no reason to read them in order, though they are numbered for a possible later reason. We'll just have to wait and see.