May 06, 2007 02:23
So, I just got back from watching Spiderman 3 and I decided to write my own review.
First off, let me say that I did in fact enjoy the film, though I may be a bit biased. I've been a fan of Spiderman since I was a kid, from the comics, to the cartoon, to the movies. So basically, I'm content just to get more Spidey, so long as it's not total crap.
Which this movie definitely wasn't. It was a bit slow moving in the beginning of the movie (except for a few action sequences) but it does pick up the pace after awhile. They do make up for that though with plenty of action and special effects, and so good ol' humor. I was getting a bit worried as the movie progressed. It seemed like there was too much going on, too many story lines to follow. I found myself asking 'did they really need to give Spiderman three villians in one movie?' but it thankfully all tied together in the end (but I don't want to spoil it!).
Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst perform pretty much as they did in the past two movies. Thomas Hayden Church as Flint Marko a.k.a. the Sandman gave a pretty flat performance, but then again that wasn't so much his fault as it was the script. The two performances that I was happiest with were James Franco as Harry Osbourse/Hobgoblin (or as IMDB credits him 'New Goblin') and Topher Grace as Eddie Brock a.k.a. Venom. James had a lot more facets to deal with this time around than he did in the previous two movies, and he pulled it off really well. He created a character that you couldn't help but sympathize with.
Topher Grace really surprised me with his performance. I've got to admit that though I love Topher, when I found out that he was playing Venom, probably the most bad-ass villian in all of Spiderman fandom, I was a little leary that he would be able to pull it off. Topher just doesn't give a bass-ass vibe. Hell, even through most of the movie I still didn't think he was going to do it. Man, I was wrong. Great job Topher.
All I really have to complain about is, once again, the fact that there was too much story going on, and because of that we didn't get much time with Topher as Venom. In case you couldn't tell by now, Venom is my favorite Spidey villian :) So yeah, it needed more a little more story fodder and a lot more Venom, but damn I still think it was good.
And for you girls out there who don't really care for this type of movie but are being dragged to it by your boyfriends, worry not. Just look forward to watching James Franco, because he was just so damned adorable throughout this whole movie.
~S. Piazza (a now converted James Franco fan ::sigh::)