
May 29, 2008 21:14

interesting site -->

the coolest thing i've seen in a long long time --->

go watch it. seriously.

so, out of the blue, for the 5th time in two weeks i've been told that i'm too secretive. maybe it's true if you consider that most people don't know what my real last name is. but honestly my lack of communication has less to do with a paranoid mafia mentality than it does with how boring it is to talk about myself. If someone wanted to know something, they'd ask. Like, for instance, "hello thar Stacie, how are you feeling this fine summer night?"

"Stellar! Fantastic, even! My dear sister Andge just rescued me from some kind of bug all camoflaouged onto my lotion bottle (i did. i screamed. but let's be fair, that monster had plans for me.) I have a solid foundation undernieth me, i'm not afraid of my motorcycle anymore, i have an ass the size of a garbage truck but i'm working on that. I have plans! prospects! Lately even my flaws make me feel more human and worthwhile. I. Am. Fine."

"What flaws, Stacie, can't you see that you're a perfect hu- something?"

"My flaws are of my own making. And might have been my undoing. If I wasn't in such a damn fine mood."

..."What the hell does that even mean?"

"Who knows. Sure would look great on a coffee mug though, amiright?"

"Amen to that."
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