Just got back from seeing Phantom of the Opera with my class. I was blown away!!!! THE PHANTOM!!!! *dies* HE WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! He was just sooooo amazing, with all the passion in his voice, his bodily movements, his anguish, his hate, his love. I want a phantom to call my own. And Raoul in this has won my love. The Raoul in the movie is a pretty boy pretending at love but the Raoul in the musical I just saw? Breathtaking. He cradled Christine during All I Ask of You instead of holding her at arms length, he protected her from the elements instead of watching as she was drawn towards her father's grave and the Phantom's haunting voice... I love this Raoul.
So my parents are watching Star Wars the Revenge of the Sith. I already bawled enough at PotO, I don't want to cry again... OH GOSH, they're at the part where Anakin and Obi are fighting... OH!! I'm gonna cry... >.< It's so sad!!!! *huggles Anakin* Padame loves you! Don't go over to the dark side!!! AUGH!!!
Well... I left my notebook at school again so I can't do my essay that was due Monday... BAH! My teacher's gonna kill me... maybe I can bribe her with candy?
Dressed up as a witch for haloween... again... Y'know, there have only been a select few times when I haven't been a witch...
Tiff was Kagome, her mom made the costume. Not fair!! We've decided we're gonna have her mom make us costumes for Comic-Con International and if anyone else would like to join in on our costume ideas all we need are measurements. Any ideas on what to be? I'm thinking the Shinigami are going to have to make a reappearance at least one day, but Tiff also wants to wear her Kagome thing one day and I thought Sango would be fun to be, then, (of course) because I've wanted to for so long and just can't get past it, Quidditch Costumes anyone? I figure if we get started this early we might have a chance, non?
Oh man... now they're at the part where Darth something or other is fighting with Yoda, which isn't very sad, but the music is the same as when Obi's jedi-mentor was killed by Darth Maul and it just makes me wanna cry again... BAH!
Well, anyway, there's not too much else to talk about, so I'm gonna go ahead and go work on my myspace because Lauren keeps blabbing at me about how I need to fix it up and bladie blah. Too bad I don't know how!
...she looks so good in blue,
she looks so good in blue...