A few weeks ago,
arryabsinthe mentioned that he'd like the Current music: field to be Currently reading:. That sounded like a really good idea, because I generally read more interesting stuff than I listen to.
So I looked into it, and it seems there is a way - sort of. I can edit the string so it says Currently reading: in my style template, but that will affect other entries which I have already filled in music in this field. So I wrote some code in S2, which checks if the field starts with a ' character and then puts Currently Reading:. This works like a treat, except for one problem. If my journal is viewed in other people's friends pages, it uses their style, which doesn't contain the extra code, so it won't work there. It seems there's no way around this.
Anyway, if you're interested, here's the code. This will only work if you're using "A Sturdy Gesture" as your style. If you want me to sort it for you and you're not using that style, let me know which one you're using, and I'll sort it for you. It only changes slightly so it should only take a few minutes.
To use, click 'Manage Accounts', then 'Advanced Customisation'. Now click 'Your layers'. You need to use the 'Create layout-specific layer' thing. Choose 'User' as the type of theme to create, and select 'A Sturdy Gesture' as the theme (this version of the code probably won't work with any others). Hit the create button. You should now have a new empty layer. Hit edit next to it in the list. There should only be two lines in the layer, if there are more, you're editing your settings theme, go back and choose the right one!
Get rid of the two lines that are there, and stick the following code in it's place:
layerinfo "type" = "user";
layerinfo "name" = "Reading";
function Entry::print_metadata() {
var string caption;
var string val;
var Image i;
if (size $.metadata == 0) { return; }
println """
foreach var string k ($.metadata) {
$caption = $k;
$val = $.metadata{$k};
if ($k == "music") {
if ($val->starts_with("'")) {
# Check for a reading entry
$caption = "Currently Reading";
# Strip leading and trailing quotes
$val = $val->substr(1, $val->length() - 2);
} else {
$caption = $*text_meta_music;
elseif ($k == "mood") {
$caption = $*text_meta_mood;
if (defined $.mood_icon) {
$i = $.mood_icon;
$val = """
println """
$caption: $val""";
println "";
Now you're done! You should see no difference immediately, but if you enclose the name of your music in 'single quotes', you'll get 'Currently Reading:' appearing instead of 'Current Music:'. You should see the effect of this in this very post!