There are many other mysteries still unsolved! I figure... you know... I'll do some of that.

Apr 25, 2009 22:44

It's not really polite to analyze your friends and acquaintances.

Livvie McKenzie: Girlfriend
-Victim of violence (Taking Tramadol and a generic form of vicodin).
-Victim of emotional neglect.
-Sunny outlook despite this. Pretty smile.
-Using boss as a parental substitute? Not in a creepy way, just in a 'need an adult to validate me' way. If so, does it really matter? Can it result in her getting in trouble?
-Not used to/expecting consistence in people around her.
-Think I may be in over my head. Loving every minute of it.

John Baum: Friend.
-Victim of psychological abuse? Probably. But not in a crippling way.
-Granted, if something happens to Allison, or his mother shows up, that's probably out the window.
New Information:
-Last Name. I really didn't want to know. Granted, I now know what the mother looks like. And am pretty sure I have a real name on her. No way to tip off the Feds if she is in Arkham with out risking John and Allison. Damn damn damn.

Allison Reese: Friend.
-Almost positive a victim of emotional/social neglect.
-And possibly some of the same abuse from John's mother.
-Also apt to be very affected by something happening to John or his mother showing up.
New Information:
-Last Name. (Crap)
-Poss. family names (deceased)
-May have once honestly believed she was a machine from the future (John's mother's influence? Unrelated yet horrifying coincidence?)
-May still believe it, sometimes.
-I really need to stop looking into these things.
-If I DO keep looking into these things, need to do it from a different location. Not interested in attracting unwanted attention. At least not to Allison and John.

(What connects them? Possibly met in the same foster home? How did John's mother get Allison if this is the case? Ran away to John's mother, together? Last names are probably fake, but it's probably better if I don't know. Was definitely better. More answers makes new questions.)

Real life interaction:

Pickman: Acquaintance
-Mostly harmless?
-Interesting, not likely to kill me for kicks, but also not likely to be a good influence.
-Possibly a 'buddy' for day time explorations, but not someone to really rely on.

Simon: Acquaintance
-Cannibal. Fun! No, not fun.
-Fine to talk to, but not going to hang out with one on one.
-Livvie seems to trust him not to eat her, but that may have more to do with Dr Stark's influence.
-May know of some neat places but I'm not going with him.

Chat only:

Eddie: Acquaintance
-Probably going to stick me in a maze. Damnit.
-Still want to table top rp though.
-Also, I need to watch myself. This could be me when I grow up if I'm not careful. Crap.

Violentlence (Alexander Geoffrey Warden III): Acquaintance (possible future boss)
-Unsure if he's actually nutty as a fruit cake or if he's just... weird in chat.
-Not sure if it's a good thing that he has no issue telling Eddie to call him while Eddie is tripping on drugs.

DrGod: Acquaintance
-Almost positive is the Arkham Liaison Greg House. Funtastic.

[wip], [private locked]

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