The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
dunedainjournal look better not wearing pants, or not wearing a shirt?*shrugs* Shirt?What kind of person would you set up with
agent_sanguine?His /wife/. Yeesh. (Before that, someone as insanely happy and cheerfully ignorant as him- like his WIFE!)What is
hawkelf's favorite meal?Something sugary, no doubt.What do you find admirable about
elvea_aure?They're much more stable than me, I think.Who would win in a fight between
agent_gwen and
agent_kit?Gwen. Because I've known Gwen about 100 years and she fights dirty.Can
agentclaudia do a headstand?I don't know. O_oWhat do you most envy about
lotrgenius_gen?Ah, to be young and not a murderer....Is
askthedarklords an innie or an outie?There's four of them. I ain't checkin'.What does
agent_hal think of America's involvement in Iraq?Probably deragatory about it.What is the most embarrassing thing you know about
hailthewarrior?Hmmm...He used to have a passion for bodyshots.Can
agent_moody raise the dead to perform common household tasks? what ways are you smarter than
agent_jet?I've been alive over 450 years.
You figure it out.What fictional character is
agent_apollo most like?Um, let's see, APOLLO.What political beliefs of
agent_tweed do you disagree with?Hrm. I actually don't really mind America? Most people seem to hate it, anyway.Is
agentrosecotton a morning person or a night person?I'm betting she's an afternoon person.Is
agent_nosferatu's spoon too big?O_oWhat is
agent_dann's favorite book?*shrugs* Lord of the Rings? I don't know.Why is
andy_longwood sneaking up behind you right now?Because she has a death wish.What historical figure does
agent_ginger most remind you of?Hmmm. Calamity Jane. Annie Oakley, maybe.Why did
agent_loki cross the road?Why do you NEED to KNOW?Does
little_baldwin know how to spell the word 'embarrass' correctly?Probably.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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