I was heading for Vice's truck in the parking lot, so that I may drive Kim to her work, when I spotted a lonely little brick of Lego in the parking lot.
Rarely one to abandon such things, I rescued it.
It reminded me of
this particular comic.
I was inspired to write a bit of song related to it in nearly every way.
o/` Trod on Lego o/`
I just trod on Lego,
A simple little brick.
It didn't punch or puncture,
but the pain is quite electric.
Yeah, I just stepped on Lego,
One square, by one square wide.
I lived to experience it,
but I wish that I'd have died.
Thought I did it myself, didja?
No, this was the trap of a Ginger Ninja.
I put my foot on Lego, and it ain't any good fer walkin'.
I just walked on Lego,
Not a pain about which I'd scoff.
I put my foot right down on Lego,
And I'd like... to... cut... it... off.
Major Tom it isn't, but it not too bad for 0700 in the goddam.
I mean... morning.
In other (read: "interesting") news:
Ha ha ha!
Stupid scriptkiddy gets a strong lesson in not being a dick.