Diane - take note...

Jan 31, 2011 09:29

Today's Writer's Block question:

The Name Game
What's the origin of your username? If you could change it to anything else, would you, and what would it be?

Agent_jl36 came from my crush on this guy:

I even named this creature after him:

Who, by the way, used up one of his 9 lives last week by falling off a window sill and hitting his noggin on a wooden shelf:

(He now looks like he has a Harry Potter lightning scar, lol!)

And JL because that's what everyone calls me. I'm really a Jennifer, but we Jennifer's are everywhere and I have never met another JL, so there ya go. Oh and 36 because..... I really don't remember!

I still like my "alias" and will definately keep it. May the name spread throughout the fandom as an agent of all that is good and righteous!!!!! And donuts, cherry pie and a cuppa joe.

rl, fandom, twin peaks, kit-cats

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