Apr 17, 2010 20:48
We're doing a survey on perceptions of culture. When you're done please, email your results to gaylovers69@gmail.com We are looking for a variety of people to respond, so if you could also ask parents, friends from home, etc., we'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
Region (City, State, etc.):
Political Affiliation:
Sexual Orientation:
1. Do you have any family members/close friends who are homosexual?
Yes, No
2. Do you have any acquaintances who are homosexual?
Yes, No
3. What genre of music do you typically listen to the most?
Pop, Rock, Country, Rap, Other
4. How do you think people from your region perceive the gay community?
5. How do you actually perceive the gay community?
6. Nature or nurture (i.e. are people born gay or is it because of how they were raised)?
7. How do you feel about the depiction of gays in the news?
Overly Sympathetic, Slightly Sympathetic, Neutral, Slightly Hostile, Overly Hostile
8. How do you feel about the depiction of gays in film and TV?
Accurate, Partially Accurate, Partially Stereotyped, Extremely Stereotyped
9. It is often debated that gays are not proportionally represented in film and TV, ex: never main characters, rarely on network television, never shown kissing, etc. Do you agree or disagree with this sentiment?
10. For those who have spent a considerable amount of time abroad, do not consider themselves Americans, etc., has living in American culture changed your perceptions of the gay community? Explain.
Final Comments:
Again, send survey result to gaylovers69@gmail.com
We appreciate your participation in our research.