Movie critics can bite me.

Jun 21, 2008 00:38

I would like to talk about 2 movies. Speed Racer and Get Smart. I was highly entertained by both movies. Are they blockbusters? No. Are they entertaining? You bet your ass they are! I think I've seen maybe 4 episodes of Speed Racer and Get Smart combined, so I didn't have a whole lot to go on for each movie, but I found both films to be fairly silly and entertaining. Neither movie should be taken seriously, which is what I thing these so called "critics" who saw the movies did. I'm looking forward to when Speed Racer comes out on DVD.

I honestly can't think of any real criticism for Get Smart. I really can't. Is it ridiculous? You bet. Does it take itself seriously? Nope. Are there events that would never ever ever occur in real life. Sure, but what move doesn't? Is every line of dialog a joke of some sort? Just about. Slapstick? You betcha. And there's a reason for much of this. The first few lines of the credits reveal that Mel Brooks was a consultant for the movie.

Mel Brooks.


get smart

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