My Job Has Ruined My Ability To Pick Fights

Feb 18, 2010 13:25

Seriously, it's rediculous.

It used to be I could be out drinking with friends, bump into a bloke, and be like, "Whatch where you're going fucker, I'm gonna kick your ass!"

But now I'm all,

"Look out fucker, or I will cram my foot up your ass, insulflate you as I carefully motion my ankle around your transverse flecture and proceed through the illeal cecal valve into your cecum.  Once there I shall begin to withdraw my foot in a spiral motion, looking for diverticulosis, polyps, or signs of bowel disease.  If I should encounter any polyps I will remove them with forceps or electro-cautery to drastically reduce your future risk of getting cancer.  It is medically advisable that you have me kick your fucking ass every 5-10 years depending on your familly history and my post-procedural recommendation."

This is not threatening.
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