May 04, 2009 22:21 has been less than enjoyable.
2 finals.
NO way i passed off my minor scales for piano. Major went well..but..well, the minor scales took my lunch money, ran my underwear up the flag pool, and shoved me in a locker.
I felt like my ear training final was a success though..except for maybe the melodic dictation..but everything else went well..even the super tricky sight singing.
And here it is, 10:45pm..and I have my last final at 9am..and do you think I've gotten much studying done?
The answer is no.
I am SO preoccupied with silly things that shouldn't be on my mind.
I'm really trying to be the bigger person..really I am...but I can't get it(refer to last entry to find out what I'm talking about) off my mind. Even though I know I should. Even though I know it's full of lies and poison.
I guess having to deal with it day after day doesn't maybe summer will?
and that's not the only thing that has got me distracted..but its on the top of the list
Turns out that even though I passed theory, I'll prob have to retake it. Thanks dept of ed. Another semester of personal attacks from Dr. Judy F. Hutton. awesome.
I never realized how many stupid love songs I have on my computer. So much for the healing power of music..and the happy/inspirational songs are only making me feel Groban's Don't Give Up came on and I wanted to throw my computer.
Speaking of hostility..I've had a lot of it collecting inside of me lately.
I have no clue where it's coming from..but I need an outlet.
It needs to just leave. man can ride..and the hobo he can drown..I thank the Lord for the people I have found..I thank the Lord for the people I have found??
After tomorrow it will be summer, and I will be working 40 hour weeks, and have no social life.
I've decided I'm going to start running every morning.
and apparently, I need to fix my priorities over the summer...however, everyone expects me to have a different set of I'm not so sure how I'm going to accomplish this.
okay, seriously. I should probably be studying right meow.
and WHY am I hungry again. Geeze. I'm hungry like every 3 hours lately.
But they told me, A man should be faithful, And walk when not able, And fight till the end, But Im only human