Homeplot (Friday Morning)

Jun 03, 2007 20:01

Morning. Tony's least favourite time of any day. It was of course made better by the fact that he had a curly haired woman beside him. His arm tightened around her waist, as he pulled her close.

The bed was soft, the sheets smooth, the light filtering through the blinds...

Tony's eyes shot open instantly, taking it all in. The bookshelves, the posters, the photo of his university football team, the woman...

Okay that wasn't Lisa.

"You're not Lisa!" He shouted, scrabbling out of bed, chagrinned for one of the first times in his life to discover he was naked and with a woman. Grabbing a sheet he pulled it around his waist. "What the hell, this isn't the island."

"Lisa?" She said drowsily sitting up. Perky. She had a perky voice. "Tony, what's wrong? I'm Jessica. Who the hell is Lisa?"

"Lisa, the woman i'm dating? The one that should be in my bed, on the island, not here, not in DC." Shock. Likely it was all shock. He wouldn't be saying these things otherwise.

Unfortunately, Jessi-whatever didn't take it so well, jumping out of bed to grab her clothes from where they were scattered all around the room.

"Girlfriend?" Her voice said, getting shrill. "GIRLFRIEND? You didn't tell me about no girlfriend." She had gotten dressed amazingly quickly, Tony still standing there in shock.

"I didn't say girlfriend I said..." Okay, not going well. Maybe start again? "Look, it isn't that way. You shouldn't even be here. I shouldn't even be here. I should be on this island and..." He hadn't been expecting her to fly at him over the bed, flailing her arms, nails scoring his cheek.

"You shouldn't be here? What kind of excuse is that?" She stormed over to him, slapping him across the face, her nails scoring him as she did. "Fuck you Tony!" Then she fled into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Tony wondered... No, he couldn't have slept with her, he would have remembered right?

He hoped so.

"Hell," Tony pulled his hand from his cheek, surprised at the blood on his fingers. Her nails had dug deeper then he would have expected.

The phone ringing stopped him from following after her, from knocking on the bathroom door, trying to find out if anything had happened. The fact that it was Abby's name on the display was a massive relief.

"Abs? Thank God Abs, it's strange, you wouldn't..."

"Good morning DiNozzo. Do you remember an island?" Abby cut him off.

"Of course I remember an island, how could I not..."

"You do. Good. Okay, well so do I."

Tony was at a loss. This was honestly the most bizarre thing he'd experienced. "Abs, of course you remember. You were there. I have no idea how I ended up back here though."

He could hear exasperation pouring out of Abby practically. "No, I don't know how we got home either, but it's a weekday, so we gotta go to work."

"Work? What? You can't be serious." Jessica glared at him as she stormed out of the bathroom and through the front door.

"Yes, work... Was that a door slamming?" Tony winced at the question, "Nevermind, I thought you'd want to know that Lisa apparently came with us."

That caused Tony to sit down hard on the edge of the bed. "Lisa? Island Lisa?"

"Yes, island Lisa, the doctor, the one you have a crush on." It was either amusement or consternation in her voice, he couldn't tell.

"I don't have a crush!"

"Yes, you do have a crush. Anyway, I'm bringing her to NCIS to consult on something. Thought you'd want a headsup before she came sashaying out of the elevator."

"Work. Crap. Abs..." He didn't know what to say. Somehow how are we going to get back seemed wrong. "I'll meet you there. I need a bit, I need to shower." A real shower. Then a real suit. Real italian leather shoes. A bit of him inside sighed contentedly.

"Yeah, we're leaving in a few."

"Alright. I'll meet you at the office."

"Yeah, see you there."

Tony'd hung up before he said goodbye, his head in his hands. Everything he'd thought for the first few weeks was that he wanted nothing more then to go home. To be back here. But somehow something had changed. At some point he actually wanted to be on the island. To not be here.

He didn't know when that had happened.

While he was here though, he was going to enjoy it. A shower. A long hot private shower. A good suit, good shoes, coffee and a breakfast buritto. Seeing Gibbs, Ziva, Duckie, Probie. Maybe a whiskey later, with soda. He could take Lisa for dinner somewhere nice. Okay, there was the matter of the scratches on his face, but he was sure he could sort that out... Its not like he'd done anything wrong. Anything he shouldn't have.

This was all too complicated.

tony, homeplot

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