The past 12 months

Oct 24, 2010 14:15

 ... have been very trying financially, but I can't complain because right now I am happier and more optimistic than I have been in a very long time.

Seth has discovered techniques and products for jewelery making that will make it easier and more affordable to do the mokume gane stuff he wants to do, as well as things like reproduction silver buttons or plain silver and gold jewelery, or brooches, all sorts of stuff. Now that we have internet at home he's been finding all sorts of things out. The next step is learning Swedish (classes start Nov. 3) and getting part-time work so we can afford to buy the (inexpensive, but we have no spare cash) supplies and equipment he needs to start.

I'm in the process of looking for full-time permanent employment, and I think that the packages I've been sending out recently are the best they've ever been. I'm getting all sorts of support and inspiration at work, and right now I'm working on five different projects, each of which should result in a good quality paper. That's not bad for only being in Sweden about five months. I could be doing more but I have no spare time. My coworkers are great and I have no major complaints about anything, which is a nice change.

Life in Europe is lovely- Seth and I have had to economize on a lot of things, but Swedes are very generous and lots of people have helped us set up house by letting us borrow or have old furniture they aren't using. We even have a 32" flatscreen TV that is borrowed from one of my coworkers. Things are beautiful and people are nice, food is great and there are lots of things to do. Europe is awesome. I'm glad I didn't get a permanent job in North America before this, because I would have been missing out by not coming here on a lot of fun and lovely experiences.

Money is tight from having to buy the things we couldn't borrow to set up house, but if we sell our cabin in Fairbanks (and we have had people looking at it), money will be better. Even if we don't sell the cabin, renting it should pay the mortgage and once I get paid again we should have a bit of extra cash to set aside for when people visit or for emergencies, so I won't have to worry so much about money. It will be a nice change. I would like to get to the point where I can actually pay back the money I have borrowed from my parents, and put aside money for a comfortable retirement. If I can manage to get that permanent job, that takes us part of the way there, and if Seth's business takes off, that will help also. I get the impression from some of his family that they think he's inept or lazy or undisciplined, and none of those things are true. He just hasn't wanted a regular 9-5 kind of job. Doing artwork/ jewelery will be right up his alley and no one will work harder at it. I hope he succeeds at it brilliantly, partly for his own sake, and partly to demonstrate to his family that they've misjudged him.

Life is good. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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