
Mar 02, 2010 08:37

 This morning I had a dream. I woke up from it refreshed, where I normally wake up from dreams feeling groggy and unhappy.

In the first part of the dream, I was a man. I kept trying to get out of a house and away from some bad people who had set traps for me, and kept getting killed or sent back into the interior of the house. Later in the dream, I was a woman. I rescued some books that were falling into a muddy ditch, then I was able to escape by throwing decoys at my captors. Once I got outside, I was able to fly away and they weren't able to figure out where I had gone after I made a few twists and turns. I was free!

I don't know what this may mean. I thought this morning on the car ride to work that maybe it means a female way to solve problems or communicate with people is what is called for in my life- that I've been trying to push my way by force into figuring out a future research program for myself, and that maybe if I instead go back to what feels natural to me and just collaborate with people or "go with the flow", I'll find my way to where I want to go. It also may mean that I should trust my creative instincts.

What do you think?
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