ok ok, spring break was pretty fun. what can i say, no parents for a week + awesome friends = FUN.
monday, i don't rememeber doing much.
tuesdayy headed to the beach at noonish. hmm about 20 heads there? did the usual beach junk, sand castle building, hole digging, water playing, volleyballing, bbqing, lifesaving.. yes yes all that fun stuff ;] then everyone headed home to wash up and half of these friends came back to my house to cook the rest of the food. this is the only day i took pictures throughout the week. since kathy posted a few of my pictures just go look at her site
_affable . but herree's one at sunset beach..
wednesday did the usual, ate some sushi then later headed to susan's where a few people were. pretty much just chit chatted with frienddds then i headed to kathy's house to sleep over.. supposedly have our "all nighter" that dumb sick bitch! only stayed awake till 4ish.
thursday hung out with my JGM family. ate at pizza my heart, la victoria and ben and jerry's. after that dropped a few people back home and howard, vincent, andy, andrew and steven stayed over to watch texas chainsaw massacre. they're a bunch of pussies.. "leave the light on!" "turn the volume lower!" pssh.
friday partied at susan's. mmm drinkks. i still hold the title "goddess of alcohol". it was wayy fun. met new people, danced and etc. i apologize for kissing, groping, straddling a few people. i was "tipsy" what more can i say? all out of innocent fun.
can't wait till summer... ok bye.