Jan 29, 2009 11:15
The past week has been super crazy uber busy, but pretty wonderful on the whole :)
I've been working a bit lately. But it's just not enough. My job situation is pretty dire at the moment, three days a week, just isn't cutting it anymore. SO, I've been kinda job hunting and updating my resume. I contacted one of my lecturers from Uni, who was happy to be a referee for me.. yay! So shortly, I will be looking to complete my 9 weeks work placement required to complete my GDLP, then I'll hopefully be employed full time in a legal firm
cross fingers
So yes, on that issue of employment.. I've taken out all my dreads, and dyed my hair back to black... somehow it sorta came out Navy blue, but I can handle that, and I think, so could most employers. I've contacted polymorph about my piercing removal, and that'll cost me some $$$ to get replacement jewellery, but I'll just have to do it I guess.
Uni... I'm still working through the application to get into the College of Law. I just need to get some passport photos snapped, and then I can have that in the post tomorrow. FINALLY! What rigmarole just to get enrolled...
So what else has been happening....
Last Friday was Emily's Hen's night. way way way too much food. Let's just say I ate like a fatty.
Saturday was work :( Then THE PRODIGY!!! total ROCK! I danced and danced and danced and sweat and sweat and sweat. Bugger the Hordern for it's crappy ventilation qualities. But yes, I was most impressed by the Prodigy and had an awesome night!
Sunday was Emily and Leo's wedding. It was a beautiful, fun, intimate wedding. Emily and Leo were just radiant. Thankfully the weather cooled down, so it was a very pleasant summer's day instead of sweltering hot!
I went and bought tickets to Mindless Self Indulgence this morning! Yay! They'll be here in April. Can't wait!
And what's coming up this week?
More work.
Friday is Phoenix's first day of school. So we'll b dropping her off for that. Then Aaron and I are gonna get tattoos. YAY! haven't had a tattoo in ages and ages. I must also get my passport photos done. Then must run to the post office, return my boots to the UK, post out my lippy swap, pick up a parcel and send of my College of Law application. Might also be hanging out with Chop on Friday for a girly/sisterly hang out movie night thing.
Saturday is Berserk. I have ZERO idea what to wear. I hope it's a coolish night, that'll make it so much easier to dress in theme.
Sunday is Aaron's ice hockey grand final. I dunno if I'll be able to make it as I'm rostered on at work. It's typical, I can make every other game of the season, and when they make the grand final, I'm rostered on to work. lame.
So yes, that's all for the moment.