(no subject)

Jun 09, 2010 19:58

Today I had what they call a voluntary root canal. Why would the words voluntary and root canal be in the same sentence, you ask?
The answer: I don't know.
The tooth wasn't sick. No pain or discomfort. Yet for some reason, my dentist felt as though killing a perfectly healthy tooth would be a good idea; and like the sheep that I am, I just followed along without asking questions. Man, I suck sometimes.

I picked up 6 commissioned portraits recently so I've been holed up in my basement painting for the last few weeks . I get no joy from doing commission work. I like to paint when the mood strikes not because I have a deadline. Plus, I hate the whole money aspect of it. I end up selling paintings for something like 2 cents and hour because I won't charge people an amount of money that I know they don't have.
And maybe more so because I'm uncomfortable with the idea of putting a monetary value on a talent which I consider to be a gift, one that I was born with...that just seems wrong somehow. I think I should work with a broker - let them do the dirty work.

I'm about to sit and watch Shutter Island, which reminds me - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: SO. GOOD. See the movie or read the book. Preferably both. You'll thank me.
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