When it rains....

Apr 12, 2009 12:24

Appearanetly the Red River flodds. like it does or threatens to do almost every year.

This year, this coming week in fact, I am being called up to go help out. My whole unit is. I hate these kind of call ups on a good day, however the timing this year is particularly awful. My wife is home still on FMLA leave with our newborn son and my 2 older daughters, 5 and 3 y.o. This is bullshit!

She already feel overwhelmed when I am there and now I have to go. I have to go and I don't know when I will be back. It's not just that these things happen and disrupt your life, they do it without any kind of end date in sight.

I obviously know that as a guard member this is what is expected of me, so does my wife, she's been an Army Wife long enough to know the game. So I am going and we both know I have to and it's expected. The army was kind enough to put my ass through school, I can give back on occasion and help them out.

But I am really worried. Don't get me wrong K can take care of things just fine normally. But the stress levels right now at home are high and she is there with a new demanding baby and 2 older sisters that want things right now and complain when they have to wait.

My love I am sorry I have to go.
I wish I could stay and snuggle the boy, the girls and you.
I'll be home when I can.
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