
Oct 17, 2008 12:11

Sorry for the long time since posting VIP'ers.
There has been significant news to report.

1st the bad.
I found out that a very close, though newly made, friend of mine has an inoperable tumor. He will be 30 this January. He didn't ask the doctor for a timeline, and I can't blame him either. Apparently the doctor said he will most likely fall asleep one night and not wake up.
I didn't even know what to say to him when he told me. He is like an uncle to mu kids and will be sorely missed. I just hoope he still has a good long time left in him. Knowing him he does.

Now the Good!
The wifey, in a bit of paranoia over the health of "baby baby" the baby in her belly, had an amniocentisis (sp) done. Now we know with 100% certainty that we have a healthy baby boy growing in her belly. According to my parents he should be named: Jesse James Jack Marshall .... you get the idea.
Jesse will be the first name for sure,named after my maternal Grandfather. the middle name is mostly solid but still possible up in the air.

I promise after the haunting season I will post more frequently.
Until then,
the line forms here.
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