Just a few quick things because I'm making a hard push to try to get back on schedule with my NaNo novel (which I still privately think of as "Nanoo-nanoo -- a NaNo novel" lol! ;) ).
If you're doing NaNo, then I hope you'll
consider this. I needed a name for a very upstanding fellow that my main characters are about to meet and so was glad to name him in honor of Jon Stiles. So hopefully you'll find a place for his name in your story as well!
As seriously much as I wanted to go ahead and finish "Balancing Act" off, I just can't swing it at the same time as I'm doing NaNo. :( I've given it my best shot but all I've done is sort split my focus and gotten nothing back in return for it. Besides, I definitely don't want to just bang out the last chapter like I don't care how things turn out! O_O And yes, I said last chapter, singular. Depending on how things look when I tackle it again, I may just make it 7 chapters again instead of 8. It's going to be whichever seems to flow better. ;) My apologies for yoinking the chapter count around so much. *is a shameless chapter yoinker* :D ;) So look for the conclusion somewhere in the first week of December! *fingers crossed*
mistojen a cookie for her not rolling up the last chapter I sent her -- and then took back -- and smacking me with it* o_O LOL! ;)
In other news, I have a headache, owwwwww... :( Though of course, not because Jen smacked me with chapter 7 'cause she's far too awesome to do that. Even though she may have thought about it just a teeny bit. ;) This, however, sucks because I'm really hoping to still make a couple of thousand more words on NaNo tonight. *fingers crossed* At least I have my beloved Word back now after being without it on the other computer. I keep it set to the ol' WordPerfect blue background with white font, which is infinitely easier on my eyes and thus my headache. ;)
Meme snagged from the ever-lovely
nschick! ♥!
What has surprised you the most about me (if anything) since joining my flist? Was anything completely unexpected or have I always fit the picture of me you have/had in your head?
When you've answered, post this in your own journal and see how you have surprised people.
There are a couple of memes I want to do but I'm out of time tonight so will catch up on them later! :D And here are some thoughts to live by... ;)
Nighty-night! *hugs you all* ♥♥♥!!!