The 5 Characters Meme
1. Comment on this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
gorengal gave me a T!
1. The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who)
O Beloved Nine, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... I could start with the fact that he just smolders, IMO. Oh, those eyes! *essplodes* But beyond that, the moment I knew I was hooked was at the end of the first series finale (which I saw first 'cause I roll in that spoilery sort of way, lol! ;) ). Then when I backed up and started at the beginning, I fell even more for this "tough on the outside, broken on the inside" fellow. *draws hearts around him* He and Rose will always be my eternal OTP (well, unless Nine/Aislynn is on the table, then sorry, Rose... *boots her politely* But right up until that, it's Nine/Rose all da waaaaaay! :D ;) )
It also doesn't hurt that he can lounge like nobody's business! Grrrowl! ;) ♥!
2. The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
It's not a secret that I didn't love Ten right away. I was just too shell-shocked from losing Nine to really give him a chance. :( But once s4 started and I just went *fangirly* for Donna, it had the side-effect of making me fall for Ten at the same time. So now as I'm watching s2 and s3 over again, it's kinda like I'm going, "Okay, NOW I get it!" *ruffles his hair* Oh, need I even mention that he's hot? ;) And look at that naughty expression! *goes back for more hair ruffling*
You know, it's probably a good thing that I don't know David Tennant in RL because he would be SO tired of me saying, "Can I ruffle your hair? Can I? Huh? Huh? Pretty please? Once more? Yes? Hair ruffle, please? Please? Yes? Once more? Huh? Huh?" ;) ♥!
3. Tyler, Rose (Doctor Who)
Poor Rose hasn't been feeling a lot of love from me lately, what with my Donna!obsession and all that, :( ;) but I do still love Ms. Tyler. As much as I love Nine, if Rose would've been unlikeable, then I probably wouldn't have gotten QUITE so obsessive with the show. I loved her in s1, where she didn't always do the right thing, she muffed things, she made mistakes, but she always had her heart in the right place.
Plus, aw, isn't she as cute as a button here? *squishes her* ♥!
4. Tony DiNozzo (NCIS)
Tony is just so my fictional type: a bad boy who's really a great guy at heart. He can come across as a shallow flirt but when the chips are down, you can trust him to have your back, keep you safe and do the right thing. *draws hearts around him* ♥!
5. Toshiko Sato (Torchwood)
Aw, Tosh! I couldn't help but identify with her right away (except for the part where she's brilliant and all that ;) ). She might not have always had the right social skills and she DEFINITELY had terrible luck in love, but she proved that she's a hero in more ways than one. *squishes her* ♥!
The ten things you love meme
Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list ten things you LOVE that begin with that letter. Afterward, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
jemmalynette gave me an L!
(In no particular order ;) )
Linkin Park - The link goes to the video for the very first song of theirs that I ever heard and fell in love with: "In The End." ;)
2. Licorice (Red Vines) - Yum! :D
Lord of the Rings - The link is to an awesome LOTR vid; it covers all 3 movies in chronological order and it's not full of supa!effects ;) and the like: it drops your jaw Old Skool style, by amazing pacing, lyric use and clip choices. I have no idea how she got all 3 movies to fit to the lyrics and yet stay in order like that! *tips hat*)
Lost Video Island - My home away from home on the Internet! ;)
"Love You Madly" by Cake - Link takes you to a Xena/Ares vid. I swares,
gracent_dic, they didn't have a G/A vid, I looked! :D *makes it up to you with the next one* ;)
6. Logan/Jean (X-Men) Wooooooo! ♥!
7. Leather jacket, black - This is Nine's authentic costume on display in Cardiff! ♥!
Ladyhawke - ZOMG, this was the first fantasy movie I can remember ever seeing and I still adore it to this day! ♥!
9. LOLZ! - Cause we all need lotsa LOLZing in our lives! ;)
10. Love!
If you want a letter, be sure to let me know which meme you want one for, or if you want one for both! Or if you don't want one at all, that's also equally cool. :D ;)
Now, before I go, here's a vid rec if you happen to like Law and Order: Criminal Intent (or heck, if even you're not even that familiar with it, you can still enjoy it! ;) ) --
Savin' MeVidder: littleton_pace
Characters: Goren/Eames
Summary: An overview of the strength that was their partnership that crumbled mid-season 7 after Goren went undercover and didn't tell Eames.
I've seen a few eps but just never got into the show properly, but I had no trouble following the vid and really did enjoy it! Hopefully you will, too, if you give it a try! :D
Annnnnd I feel like I'm forgetting something but considering that this is already quite good-sized, I suppose it's best to stop here anyway! ;)
"Balancing Act" chapter 5 update, if'n you should care: ;) It's going a little more slowly than I wish it was. :S Had a bunch of stuff come up today that just kept interrupting my train of thought so I didn't make much progress. *sigh* I'm going to go work on it a bit more though as soon as I post this and hopefully I'll get a lot done tomorrow and have it ready to go to
mistojen by Monday! *fingers crossed* Or if I just blaze through things, maybe it'll be ready even by tomorrow night, who knows? *is accepting donations of good writing mojo at this point* ;)
Nighty-night! *hugs and cookies for everybody!* ♥♥♥!!!