Urgent, important subject line of urgent importantness!

Sep 03, 2008 02:02

Okay, so there's really nothing that urgent or important, sorry. ;) I just felt like being dramatic! ;)

First off, I want to make sure to pass this along just in case you didn't catch it:

LJ's having a 20% off sale on Paid Accounts. I had a gift certificate from the ever-most lovely and awesome prettybutt which I used to go ahead and re-up my account, so with this sale, I was able to get another year on my account with the extra userpics for a really great deal! *squishes the ever-most lovely and awesome Laura* Thanks, hon! ♥♥♥!!!

I also finally used my gift certificate from the ever-most manly and awesome wolffootball37 and *SQUEE!* got the S1 DVD set of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles! *more squeeeeeeeee!* *squishes the ever-most manly and awesome Trey* ;) Thanks sooooo very much! ♥♥♥!!!

And I also want to thank the ever-most lovely and fantabulous nschick for giving me an awesometacular fic rec on her LJ as well as an adorable v-gift! Awwww! *huge hugs!* ♥♥♥!!!

I'm on the verge of muse Mortal Kombat right now, oh noes! Rusty and Jessica Rabbit (they tag-team, with Rusty handling the PG parts and Jessica taking over when it gets to the parts that makes poor Rusty put his little plot bunny commander rabbit paws over his eyes ;) ) are working on the 4th chapter of "Balancing Act" but suddenly Veronica has come blazing back to life with -- of all things! O_O -- a Lost vid (Ben character study)! It's a kinda difficult but I think it'll work if I can just find the clips I need.

However, here's the problem: my writing and vidding muses just don't work well together at the same time. There's only so much creative!Ais to go around and eventually one of them is going to have to take charge, while the other takes the sideline for a while. But I don't want to stop work on the fic, of course, since there's only this chapter and 2 more to go. But I don't want to lose momentum on the vid since I've been waiting FOREVER to actually get a new Lost vid done! (It's been half a year since "Only Hope" O_O )

Well, at least for today I got a bit of both done: 700 words or so of the fic and 20 seconds of the vid, so I guess that was productive! ;)

It's really odd, when I first started vidding, I applied practices I was used to using in my writing to it. Now I find the reverse happening: I've found that I vid much more effectively in a non-linear fashion: I go down the timeline and plug in the things I know first, then start working on connecting those sections.

So that's what I've been doing with this fic, when I get stalled on a section, I just jump ahead in time and write the next part that I know, then work on connecting the two. It's been helping me not to block up like I'm wont to do but unfortunately I'm still not the world's faster writer. That's frustrating to not be able to get a new chapter done every day or two like I was really hoping I could!

Well, at least I'm not stalled completely, right? So even if it's not just zipping out like I'd hoped at least it IS still coming along! :D

Ten: "Donna, I'm getting a cramp from the way she's left us hanging in this chapter..."

Donna: "Ais, get yourself back here and finish this chapter OR ELSE!"

Ais: *unexpectedly!brunette* ;) *is hiding*

Ben: "Now, Ais, don't let her intimidate you! You know how much you've wanted to finish a Lost vid, now haven't you? So don't let anything distract you from vidding, not even that woman... Hey, does she have a mallet?"

Donna: *conks*

Ben: *unconscious*

Donna: "Don't you have a fic to be working on, Ais? Now that it's all, you know, nice and quiet around here?"

Ais: *unexpectedly!blonde again* ;) "But I really would like to get this vid done while I've got some motivation and..."

Ten: "CRAMP!!!!!!!!"

Ais: *unexpectedly!Max Guevera* ;) "All right, all right! I'll be right there!" *hops on motorcycle*

Nine: *looks all broody and hot and grrrrrowl* "I wonder if Ais is ever going to write a Nine/Rose story like she promised?" *sigh* "And what happened to that uber-romantic Nine/Rose vid she was doing?" *even more sighing* "I think she's forgotten me!"

Ais: *so distracted by broody!hot!Nine that she becomes blonde again* "Awww, I'd NEVER forget you, sugar-plum! I'll get right back on that vid, I promise!"

Sawyer: "And what about that Skate vid you started a few days ago?"

Sawyer: "You know? The one you abandoned because you didn't like the way the OPENING CREDITS looked???"

Sawyer: "Honestly, have you never heard of just doing music video-style credits if all else fails?"

Ten: *felled by cramp*

Ais: *felled by too many fandom projects*

Nine: "Oh noes! Viddergirl down! I'll give her mouth-to-mouth to revive her!"

Ais: *looks sexay for the occasion*

Ais: *is blonde and vaguely Rose-like* ;)
Nine: *kiss of life*

Ais: *Sin!City'ed* "I'm revived! I'm ready to tackle all of these fandom projects, one at a time without wearing myself into a frazzle! But first, back to the fic!"

Ten: "Yay!"

Donna: "Yay!"

Ais: *has changed hair color and outfits so many times in this picspam she needs a scorecard* "The too-many-fandom-projects crisis has been averted, all thanks to Nine!"

Nine: *smug!Nine is smug*

And *pointless!picspam is pointless* and... uh, over for now! ;) Hope you're all doing well! I've been trying to make the rounds of my flist 'cause I so hate being out of touch! :( Have a great morning/night/middle of the day/whatever it is wherever you are when you read this! ;) *big hugs!* ♥♥♥!!!

PS - Firefox has blown up not once but TWICE while I was writing this post! O_O What up with that??? @_@ *is oh-so thankful for LJ's restore or would've lost this entire post when she just tried to post it* Eek!

rambling, random picspam

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