23 hours vs 8 and a half minutes

Feb 08, 2008 19:48

I can't help myself, I have to make a Jack/Gwen vid. I've tried to fight the impulse but... *sigh* Veronica teh evol vidding muse just will not be denied! So I started it last night but immediately ran into a problem.

There are 17 episodes of Torchwood right now, counting s1 and the 4 eps from s2 so far, right? Well, they're all in .AVI right now because I hadn't converted them over with WMM into .WMV. I decided to give the .AVI files a chance just in case the mysterious way that the Transformers movie and 3 eps of Terminator: TSSC worked might rub off again. ;) But third time was NOT a charm: these Torchwood eps would import but couldn't load their audio. Well, that's fine because I very rarely (or at least used to very rarely ;) ) use audio in my vids and if I need it then I can do what I did with the Cameron/Terminator one: I imported it into WMM and rendered the audio out of it there, then just imported that back into Vegas, ta-dah! ;) )

However, these eps didn't just refuse to load their audio, they canceled out the audio from my song! O_O IT would no longer load onto the timeline while the eps were in the project media bin! And, as that this is a MUSIC VIDEO that was a little unacceptable! (Although would've made for the world's first "Oh hai guys! Guess if the beat use is good or not!" music-free music vid... ;) )

Okay, so back to the Four CC Code changer thingie I went. Here's what it did the last time I tried converting a Terminator: TSSC ep--

Yes, that's upside-down and backwards, lol! ;) Which would not have been near as amusing if not for the fact I made a copy of that ep before I tried changing it, so didn't end up ruining the ep, whew! Vegas likes the upside-down and backwards copy even LESS! O_O ;)

So I gave up on the code changer and popped the first ep into WMM and started rendering it down. And then I realized it was going to take 80 minutes an episode to render them into .WMV. 80 minutes times 17 eps is roughly 23 hours worth of rendering time! *WMM faints, my hard drive faints, I faint and I think even Nine, Sawyer and Dean fainted just out of sympathy 'cause they're cool like that* ;) So that was going to mean that it was going to be at least next week before I could continue with this vid! *pouts* Not that the world is dying out of need for my Jack/Gwen vid, of course, but Veronica was getting a little childish over the prospect:

(I mean, c'mon. Do YOU want to be the one to tell her no??? O_O ;) )

So I stopped the rendering and asked for help and thanks to charmed_charlie and Steph, I realized I was making a dumb error that I was so sure I wasn't making, yet must've been making with the code changer! *gives you a cookie if you followed that sentence* ;) So I tried it again annnnnnnd this time it worked correctly! *happy dances like Ten in my mood theme* ;)

So, since I'm a paranoid viddergirl at heart, I decided to copy all of my Torchwood eps, then convert the copies...just in case! ;) So it took me about 30 seconds per ep to copy them, then run them through the code changer. Which took a grand total of about 8 and a half minutes versus the 23 hours it would've taken to convert them through WMM! O_O AND I still have big, beautiful .AVI eps to use! *more happy dancing*

BUT -- and there's always a "but" in stories like this ;) -- here's the weird thing. I deleted everything out of my original project except for the song, which I had already cut down and didn't want to have to cut again. So I imported in the new code changed .AVIs which come in without audio except for ONE of them, which is still giving me the codec error and canceling out my music again!

However! I got to thinking about it. The audio on the .AVIs is in .MP3 format. My song is in .MP3 so thus, they were sharing that codec (and that codec's problem). So I converted my song into .WMA annnnnnd yay! It works with these eps now! *even moar happy dancing with Ten*

Ten: *drops from all the happy dancing* ;)

And the moral of this story is... Uhhhhhhhh... Wait a sec, I'll get it. Oh yes, too much *happy dancing* could be dangerous to your health! And uhhhhhhh never give up, never surrender!

Nine: "Um, Ais? Galaxy Quest called and they want their motto back."

Dean: "It's true. Nine and I were on a conference call and I heard the whole thing."
Sam: "Tell Ais I said hi!"

Jack: "So, baby... What are you wearing?"

Nine: "For cryin' out loud, Jack! This is a PG-13 LJ!"

Jack: "Oops. Sorry, wrong line."

Dean: "So, uh, what was she wearing?"
Sam: "Just for...statistical evidence."

Ais: "GUYS!"

Jack: "Quick! Distract her with Sawyer!"

Sawyer: "Hey there, Ais."

Ais: *distracted and happeh*

And the real moral of the story is: random picspams make your vidding troubles seem just a little better. It is TRUFAX. *nods* And if you don't agree, then Veronica would like to have a word with you... O_O ;)

Now, back to vidding! *hugs you all!* ♥♥♥!!!

vid talk, random picspam

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