Here's a short vid I made a while back for Warren's birthday today (Warren being one of my oldest -- "oldest" in terms of the years we've known each other ;) -- online friends). He doesn't have an LJ but I thought I'd crosspost it here so my non-LVI Locke fan flisters (twisty sentence, much? ;) ) could see it, too. ;) Hope you enjoy! ♥! It's not often that I make something and then manage to not show it for so long but I figured it would be kinda rude to, you know, show it to everybody else first, lol! ;) And yay, I made a Locke vid at last! (Hey, it had Locke in it, that counts! ;) )
I decided to have a listen through some of my old playlists, just to kinda get out of the weird vidding rut I'm in. :S I think I've been listening to this same set of songs for so long now that it's like I've kinda gone stagnant on them or something. :S Which explains why I'm listening to what I'm listening to right now. *points* ;) Hey, it's a pretty good remix, IMO! ;)
Funny thing is, I never call myself a Justin Timberlake fan yet he's the only artist I've ever used more than once in my vids: "Cry Me A River" (Angsty Jack, Lost) and "Fantasy" (PB&J, Lost, which uses "Futuresex/Lovesound") and "SexyBack" (Dean, SPN). And I, uh, do tend to like a lot of his songs. But I'm not a fan, I swares! ;) Geez, like being a Justin Timberlake fan would be the thing that made me terminally uncool, right? LOL! But I don't feel like a fan, that's what's weird. I guess it's 'cause "fan" sounds like ZOMGILOVEHIM and I just like the songs not him personally.
No way, I found this remix on YouTube, lol!
Here, have a listen! ;) Unless of course you:
1. Hate NSYNC/JT
2. Don't like remixes in general
3. Don't like dance remixes in particular
4. Uhhhh, just don't want to? ;)
No worries, I'll still luff you whether you listen or not. ;) ♥!
On a different subject: I can't believe I missed THE most important pic in my "Big Guns" series in the middle of those motivational posters the other day! *smacks forehead*
I've edited it in now, I'm sure you'll know which one it is. *draws hearts around him* ;)
You know, I think I need to just go make a totally silly "for nothing" vid again, something that's not meant to compete with anything, it's not trying to impress or look fantastic or anything. Just something that I want to do because I want to, you know?
My playlist is moving along here and you know what's funny? I realized just now that I've been totally remembering the words to Depeche Mode's "Never Let You Down Again" wrong, lol! I kept thinking it said, I'm taking a ride with my best friend's girlfriend and uhhhh, there's no "girlfriend" in the entire song, lol! ;) I totally love the music to this one --
and yes I found a YouTube link for it, too. It's great when you're in the mood for something kinda bombastic with some nice, heavy beats. And you know how I loves me some beats! ;)
Welp, RL is a-callin' me so I guess my spot o' rambling is over for now! See ya! ;) *hugs you all* ♥♥♥!!!