Here we are at the end of Christmas Eve, 2007! Tomorrow will be a family day, with lots of food and watching DVDs and such! I'm SO thankful that I still have my family here; I believe there were times during this entire last year that pretty much everyone of them could've been taken from me at some point, so that's no small thing to be grateful for!
I'm also so thankful for my fantastic friends, both RL and those on my ever-indulgent flist and online!
Thanks bunches and bunches to
lostashleigh for the AWESOMESAUCE Christmas Nine icons!
Thanks oodles to
popcornleader for the FANTASTIC Ais/Nine and *eggroll* icons!
Thanks to
take_wing at
demanding_love for the Dear Santa icons! I don't know her personally but she still filled that request for me! :D
And thanks SO much to
wolffootball37 who sent me an gift certificate! *EEEE!* I never expected that in a million years! I swear, I'm like a kid in a candy store, I can't decide whether to go for something big like the Doctor Who S1 set (I've just been waiting for somebody to go in on that with me to make that do-able, lol! ;) ) or do I want to get my little mini-Doctors a Rose to fight over? ;) Hm, probably should look for a Martha and she and Ten can live happily ever after 'cause you KNOW Nine gets Rose. Or do I want to get my very own sonic screwdriver instead? (Gabs knows why I'm blushing at saying that... :P I swear, it's just for putting up shelves, lol! ;) ) Anyway, oh the possibilities! I'm all happily a-twitter just trying to decide! :D
You can bet it'll be something fun, though. I only buy practical things when I'm forced to. ;)
And thanks to each and everyone of you, who give me the gift of putting up with my ramblings, my rantings, my sudden changes of fandoms, ;) my horrible lack of ability to keep up with my flist, :( and just basically for putting up with the craziness that is me, lol! ;) *smishes you liek woah* ♥♥♥!!!
And now for the Year in Vidding meme, ganked from pretty much every vidder on my flist but I saw it first at
dayln03 and
popcornleader! ;)
What I vidded in 2007:
*is resting so to start the new year off REALLY ready to vid!* :D
SexyBack (Dean, SPN) March:
*exhausted from all of that sexay Dean footage, must take month off to recover* :D
*still worn out from Dean, check back next month* :D (Okay, so I was actually working on "Walking Behind" since the end of February and through these months. But the Dean answer just sounded better, lol! ;) )
Walking Behind (Sawyer/Kate, Lost) June:
Runaway Train (Jack, Lost) July:
Makes Me Wonder (Rose/Bernard, Lost) August:
Twist (Dean, SPN, video picspam) September:
*made one vid a month for the past 4 months, must take vidding sabbatical* ;)
Bubbly (Nine/Rose, Doctor Who) November:
*is busy watching Season 1 of Doctor Who over and over again, just for vidding purposes, I swares!* :D (You could probably guess I was actually working on "Almost Lover" for this whole month, huh? ;) )
Almost Lover (Nine/Rose, Doctor Who) Yes, I made a whole 7 vids in one year! Sad thing is, that's actually MORE than I expected, lol! ;)
Favorite Vid:
*insert standard disclaimer about loving all her vids equally* ;) And how do you pick a favorite anyway? By which one was the most fun to vid? Which one had the most comments or views? Or just which one that you like to watch when everything else is all said and done? *ponders* Okay, if I just reallllly had to pick... I'd have to say my favorite from this batch is "Almost Lover." It came the closest to "saying" what I meant for it to say all along and I was, for the most part, proud of how the audio bits came out. ;)
Least Favorite:
"SexyBack," hands down. ;) It just crash-lands with a resounding *thud* every time I watch it. o_O *twitch* There are parts of it that I like all right and some of the beat use is acceptable but over all it's just miles away from what I wanted it to be and it just looks amateur and awkward to me. :S Probably is mainly suffering from the fact I felt SO awkward working with the SPN footage as I made it and so now I just project that feeling onto it when I watch it. Come for the vidding meme, stay for the psychobabble! ;)
Most Successful:
If you go by total number of views at YouTube, then ironically, it's "SexyBack," lol! "Almost Lover," however, is the very first vid of mine (or, well, actually the first LJ entry of mine, period! ;) ) that's gotten 2 pages of comments. So I consider that a raving success! :D "Walking Behind" ended up with the most awards: Best Effects (tie) and the Oceanic 815 award at
Art of Vidding, Best Skate and 3rd place in
the LVI Tournament. So I guess that begs the question, what exactly is "success?" ;)
Vid that I think should've gotten more attention:
I'm actually very pleased with the attention that each of them got! I think they all did just fine in that respect. The one that probably got the least attention was "Twist" but it was a video picspam I made for
moondropz's birthday and so I was surprised that anybody besides her even bothered to watch it! :D
Most fun to make:
"Bubbly," without a doubt. I made it fully expecting that nobody else would probably watch it so there was very little pressure for it to try to be "impressive" or anything, lol! It's made out of 100% Nine/Rose love! ;)
Hardest to Make:
Please shoot at my feet with rocksalt and make me dance a mad jig if I ever try to do a vid as hard as "Walking Behind" ever again! ;) I had to figure out even how to run 2 consecutive video timelines, how to get the pages to all turn together, how to correct any mistakes AND how to get everything even remotely on the beat as I went along. It took 3 months to make and it's no joke to say that probably 2 of those months were spent making mistakes and trying to figure out how to fix them, lol! ;)
Things I've Learned:
I vid slooooooooooooowly. Verrrrrrrrry slooooooooowly. And I suck at doing requests. :( I had to abandon a Skate request after beating my head against the wall on it for several months. :S I almost always change my initial ideas as I vid, which is fine when the initial idea is mine, lol! But when somebody else has asked for something specifically, then it's, you know, kinda nice to actually DO that idea! O_O So it's the rare case where I can actually produce a vid from a request. The only exception was
Hit The Road, Jack which I made for
super_kc back in 2005! O_O ;)
Things to work on:
Besides everything, you mean? ;) I'd definitely LOVE to become a more efficient vidder. I don't need to be able to do a vid a week or anything, I'd just like to be able to vid quickly and efficiently enough that I don't make vidding into a huge angsty process that feels like it's squeezing my brain down to the size of a peanut! O_O Once I have my idea for a vid, if I don't "strike while the iron is hot" then I'll lose motivation and the vid will get abandoned. :S So I'd like to get efficient enough to overcome that, so that I can really vid what I'd like to vid without so much pain and drama! :S Sometimes vidding hurts and I really hate that. I don't want it to ever be a chore or something that I dread doing. When a vid gets drug out over periods of weeks and months, then it's hard to ever feel the same about it again. I don't want to lose whatever "quality" I might have from taking it slow and thoughtfully but I'd love to also be able to finish what I start and to take more of my ideas all the way through to completion.
Vids coming soon:
"Soon" is a relative term when you're talking about my vidding ability, you know... ;) These are in various stages from "has clips on the timeline" to "just a spark of an idea." Most will never get done, 'cause I'm just like that. :( (Unless, of course, I managed to do my Things To Work On stuff... *points up one paragraph* ;) ) In alphabetical order by fandom.
Battlestar Galactica
1. Kara Thrace - She's hot and she kicks butt! On the beat whenever possible! ;) Formerly intended to be episodic of "Scar" but will probably be a more general vid now. Has no point other than the first two sentences of this description. ;) :D
2. Kara/Leoben - 'Cause they're frakked up and that appeals to my twisted inner shipper. ;) I'm certainly not adverse to vidding Kara/Lee but I just don't have any potential songs/ideas running through my head for them at this moment. ;)
Doctor Who
1. dark!Nine - AU and with a gimmicky twist that I don't want to spoil just yet ;)
2. Nine/Rose fluffy-smushiness - 'Cause I've got to counter all the angst and dark AU-ness with something that celebrates the adorableness that is Nine and Rose! *draws hearts around them*
3. Nine/special guest star - *zips lips* ;)
1. Locke - Character study with beat use that is kicking my heinie at the moment ;)
2. Skate, raw and angry - I'm really looking forward to this one. I love the song to pieces and hope I can do the beat use justice! :D
3. The Irreverent Sawyer beat-use-a-palooza - I can haz beat use plz? :D
1. Jack/Tosh - I have to decide if I really want to do a first for me, which is use the same song for 2 different vids. The "Raw and Angry Skate" song also fits the idea I have for Jack and Tosh, oddly enough! O_O So I may or may not try it for them after I do the Skate vid. Otherwise, I'll go shopping for a new Jack/Tosh song. ;)
2. Jack/Rose/Nine - 'Cause they're my OT3 and, though the song is overvidded, I haven't seen it used for them just yet and I like my gimmick. ;) I'm filing this under "Torchwood" because it's set in Jack's Torchwood time with flashbacks to DW S1. ;) Not that anybody probably really cares, I'm just being thorough by noting it, lol! ;)
3. Jack/AU!Gwen/Ianto - I still can't quite let go of this one. ;) Every time I hear this song on the radio, I think, "It's the Jack/Gwen/Ianto song!" which means I've kinda imprinted on it like a baby duck or something, lol! ;) I can absolutely SEE some parts of it in my head like they're already done! O_O The pairing still won't be popular, though. :S Ah well, I'll just have to make it for my own self and not worry about what The Fandom thinks, hm? ;)
1. Yes, there's more than meets the eye... :P My very first attempt at vidding for a movie instead of a TV show ('cause I don't count those pitiful LotR slideshows I started off by doing, lol! ;) ) Anyway, just a fun, action-packed short vid. More on it in the future. ;)
Annnnnnnd yay, you survived another one of my loooooooong posts! *hugs you!* I hope you have a wonderful Christmas day tomorrow, hopefully with friends and family but if not, well then, remember that I'm thinking about you and *squishing* you wherever you are! :D
BTW, my BFF is out of town until the middle of next month, so we'll be having Christmas in January, lol! But I already know that she got me a Sue Storm figure (that's when you know you've been friends a long time, when somebody will buy you action figures, lol! She even won me an Arwen and Eowyn set on ebay a few years ago! Now THAT'S dedication! ;) ). So as soon as I have my "Aislynn" then I'll do my best to get you a pic of the world's first ever Sawlynn action figures, together at last! ;) And I'll throw in a shot of my mini-Doctors as they're here exploring the wilds of the desk around my computer! I swear, it looks like a fangirl exploded here! O_O ;) I've got a mini-Black Pearl and mini-Flying Dutchman with itty-bitty figures on them (adorable!), I've got Sawyer, I've got Spiderman climbing a stack of CDs (really ought to organize them but Spidey looks so darn cute scaling them! ;) ) and now I've got mini-Nine and mini-Ten investigating their new home! Geez, I'm a 12 year old, I really am! :D
*has new toys and so iz happeh* ;) Nighty-night! ♥♥♥!!!