Vid: "Soul of a Man" (Bucky Barnes, Captain America: The Winter Soldier)

Sep 21, 2014 16:28

"Soul of a Man"

What makes the soul of a man? Bucky Barnes isn't really sure anymore.

Song: "Soul of a Man" by Beck
Characters/fandom: Bucky Barnes, Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Spoilers: For both CA: TWS and Captain America: The First Avenger
Length/size: 1:55 (97 MB WMV)

V/N: I've always loved Bucky but TWS made me loooooooove [/Blanche Devereaux voice] ;) Bucky. So vidding him was kinda inevitable! ;) And, because I'm me, I'm apparently not able to not make an action vid, even when it's an angsty character study thing, lol! ;)

Annnnd I borrowed my end credits to make my watermark, which is something I often do to make it easy to grab the same font, and didn’t realize until I was surprised to discover in my first full test rendering that I’d missed clearing a few animation keyframes... ;)

Nothing like a watermark that wants to make an entrance, lol! I guess it just really wanted to be like Bucky, I dunno! ;)

Anyway, if you watch, I hope you enjoy! :D ♥!

Links available at my creative comm ♥♥♥


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