...ANGSTY! :(
;) Never fear, I'm not going to go over that whole thing again! I just mainly thought I'd take a break and chat with you (you being my LJ itself, anybody on my flist who's reading this, and of course, any potential friendly lurkers out there... *waves* ;) ) before I take another run at the Red Hot. (Somebody tell a poor viddergirl how to change text color in LJ, woncha? ;) I've tried all the html "font color" thingie codes that I know and nothing works. :S And it's just not right for rhe Red Hot's name to not be in, you know, red! ;) )
Eh, the main problem with the RH ;) right now is that I'm stuck at this one scene and I can't really go on with it until I figure out what needs to go here. I'm still at 15 seconds, btw. I need this scene to set the tone for the rest of the vid and that's what's giving me the trouble, I'm placing a LOT of importance on it, so it's making it hard to figure out what it should be.
Yeah, that's just pretty dumb, huh? ;) Plus, it's not really helping that I know I've got a lot of other things I "need" to be doing and I feel like I'm wasting my time since I'm not making any head-way on the vid. I'm mainly just...staring at it right now. ;)
I'm just famously unorganized right now and I've let myself get way behind on so many things. *frustrated* I'd love to sign in to MSN and see if anybody's there but if I do that, then I know that I won't get back to vidding tonight. Yet, when all is said and done, aren't people more important than a vid? *sigh* I just feel like I keep making all the wrong decisions anymore, when it comes to how I'm dividing up my online time. I never get done, I'm perpetually behind, yet I'm always moving at a run and never getting anywhere and always letting somebody down. :(
Okay, that wasn't where I thought I was going with this but somehow I ended up there anyway... Guess that's what's really on my mind then. ;)
Well, thanks for listening. *hugs* Back to work, then! ♥