"At The Beginning" (Ten/Donna, Doctor Who)

Jan 17, 2010 01:24

"At The Beginning"
*Spoilers for "The End of Time" part 2* What if the "defense mechanism" would've safely given Donna her memories back? What if the Doctor would've been there? Take two-thirds of a fix-it vid, add one-third unabashed wish fulfillment and you've got my AU take on an entirely different direction for the Tenth Doctor and Donna. ;) ♥!
Song: "At The Beginning" by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis
Spoilers: Up to "The End of Time" part 2
Length/size: 3:07 (27 MB WMV)

Downloadable: MEDIAFIRE
For the graciously hosted permalink click here! ♥!

V/N: Well, I just couldn't be expected to not try and put my own shippery spin on things, right? ;) If you watch, I hope you enjoy! ♥!

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