alright, i got a couple of responses to my last post, which is more than i expected. things are going better with it too. the girl i'd sort of "hired" (for no money) got back to me and gave me notes on the first two chapters. i'd still really like to be able to chat with her about stuff. i can't feel really confident in her level of commitment until we can do that. but she's busy at the moment, just like everyone else. she also doesn't have a good feel for my style yet, so she picks out "errors" that are actually just stylistic, and then i have to go to chel or colin to ask whether it's really a problem or just a quirk. also not an issue, except that i feel bad when i say "stylistic" after almost every note she gives. like i'm just giving excuses for it all and not actually listening to her concerns.
sooooo anyway.
oh, they wiped my favourite ro server and now it's just like any other mid-rate server. -_- aaaaand all our shit is gone that we worked so hard for. but we have to face it - they fucked shit up adding so many things in. it was way out of balance. this way, maybe my bard can be useful. i haven't played for a few months, probably b/c i was sick of things sucking. i always choose the "sucky" classes - bard, professor, creator (i know, i know, but they suck now with some gravity nerfs). even gladiator sucked b/c anyone could reach top aspd without demon. damnit, that's the point of demon - i should have had an advantage over people without a skill to add 30% more aspd, but i didn't. i was basically a sin without the sin skills. oh man, this turned into a vent. it doesn't matter anymore. we're all starting from scratch. some of our skills were really cool though. i don't know if profs will still be able to tame. we only get 70 skill points, so the mages will once again be screwed (we used to have 200 job points specifically so that people didn't have to pick and choose what skills to take - it meant grinding out those undergraduate skills as a mage, but being able to do hocuspocus (which is basically a just for fun skill) without having to do a full skill reset). Oh well. we used to have to reset all the time on awesome. then again, i never went the hocus pocus route there either. we'll see. i'm going to miss my gladiator custom - ignore monster def was soooo sweet.
anyway. i'm not really venting, but i'm not excited to remake my dudes only to have them suck all over again.
in other news, i got another job to do a mural after going to mary's ladies' brunch with
relicsong the other day. that should be fun. i dunno how much i'll get from it. i'll just be painting some deer and maybe a bear. gotta give her a call today some time.
The world was not of interest though her days were never dull
Her bed beneath a crucifix on guests performing miracles
With the Son of God just hanging like a common criminal
When I do wrong I am with God, she thought
When I feel lost I am not at all