at the park.

Jun 02, 2007 23:29

i just drew some really good pictures today. i tried drawing one of emily and matt last night. it came out ok aside from matt's potato nose, which he doesn't have in real life... soooo yeah. my ALMOST good drawing made me want to draw more. that and the fact that i drew squirels all afternoon yesterday. the first one a drew today was one for my parents. they had resident canada geese in the pond. they had 2 little gooslings and then there was one. and now there are none. just the 2 adult ones. sad. they were cute little fuzzy things.
In memory of the gooslings, I drew a goose and her 2 gooslings. it came out really well.
then i felt like drawing people so i was perusing flickr and found some guys pictures. i found a pic i really liked and i drew it.
came out nice
but damn it
its making me think abotu who im REALLY NOT supposed to think about.
not even the one that it would be kinda bad that i think about , but acceptable.
not the one that i'd expect to think about.
not the one so recent i'd think about.
the one that was done, and gone and literally the two of us became one and its dead.
but i keeeeeep thinking about him. whywhy why why wha.
jazz june. past junes. long past moon. pass and swoon.
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