it's like i can't breathe.

May 13, 2006 22:00

i stumbled upon this strange video on a friends myspace yesterday. actually, its a friend of my ex and theres another story. ha. it has this korean pop song on it and its been stuck in my head since then. I downloaded it today. it agrivates me that i cannot sing along, seing as how i do not speak korean.
Im half way through my finals at my first semester at FSC. I waited to go here so I could go into film and now Im thinking that I've lost interest. I'm just ever so confused about this. I feel like I am wasting my time here going to school when I don't know why. I want to have a degree so i can have a job. I was looking into sociology and I thought I only needed 2 more classes. That thought scared me. I was like.. but what do I do after I graduate?? I don't want a real job! ah!
My final on friday... i feel like a flunked it. I studied the chapters so well, I went over all my class notes and I knew all of the defined terms. But the test had nothing to do with anything that I studied. I think the teacher just made up random questions and random statistics. I knew nothihg. I know that I wont fail the class.. but that is besides the point. I put alot of work and effort into this class. Alot more than most people in the class I can tell that for sure.. and they will most likely end up with a simmilar grade as me. THAT is what makes me mad. This teacher doesn't even speak english well and this is very apparent in how he writes his test questions. Unfourtunetly I am signed up for one of his classes next semester becuase he is one of the main sociology teachers. IT really makes me completly unmotivated to go back to FSC. I want to go back to 4cs where I had teachers who WANTED you to pass. This isnt true,. i think its just this teacher. SO what I was htinking is to transfer AGAIN to WSC because, one, I work in worcester, and 2, I hang out in worc. and 3, i wouldhnt have to go all the way to fitchburg! yay. plus my friends go to wsc as well. I would actually know people there. wow!

But this is alot to take in, i dont know what to do really, not knowing my plan of action for a major. I specifically went to FSC because of their good film department. But if im not going to be in film, why bother going there if it would be that much more convenient to go to worcester.

I have a meeting on tuestday with a career councelor because well, i dunno what im doing
she had me take this self directed survey thing, and were going to go over it on tuestday.
it basically tells you what youd be good at and what kind of job youd enjoy/be good at.. etc.
So maybe im hoping after that I will be a little less confused but im trying not to get my hopes up.
right now, im just sick of studying for finals.

at least i will be able to go out on tuesday and get shitfaced.
all are welcome. <3
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