
Camp NaNo - Day 14

Jul 14, 2013 22:36



So, when I figured it was time to call it quits for the night, I discovered that I was 30 words away from hitting a 5k day. So I wrote another paragraph and ended the scene in the middle of an intense moment. Always a risk, but it gives me a chance to recapture the mood and get sucked in again.

I found a missing scene that needed to be written, which kicked the whole thing off. Then I figured that a scene I'd written last week by hand when it got stuck in my head while I was trying to sleep, needed to be added to the document so it didn't get lost; that spawned my decision to go ahead and write this one section, since I'd been plotting it out in my head since July started. I'm at the intense moment that comes right at the tale end of it, and yes. I think I need to stop there or I'm not sleeping tonight.

That, and I have a headache trying to assert itself and I should really try and go pass out so I'm not cranky and falling over at work tomorrow.

Whew. See what taking a day off gets you?

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