I was able to break the scene of my ninjas arriving during my lunch break today; this helped me to get on a good flow when I got home and transcribed my hand-written text. Got 2 scenes written, and doubled my original word count.
My scenes today were the first Scenes of Woe, in which the tragedy that my entire plot hinges upon occurs. I have a vague idea of what the central conflict is, and I have a feeling that this might be a crime/mystery novel in disguise. We'll see how it goes.
I was also able to get my church duties done in record time for tomorrow shortly after I got home, so that freed me up after dinner to write some.
Here's hoping that I can get a better chunk done tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be moving into the main time-frame of my story so I can start kicking things along. I have so many things I want to cover, but can't until I establish a bit of a back-story. I just need to tie off a loose end or six and then I can get to the good stuff :D
Crossing my fingers!
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