
Camp NaNo - Post-Mortem

Jul 01, 2012 21:02

Final Day:


Yeah, that's right. I did it again. 10,262 words in one day. Not as painful as the last time I had to do this, but still, it came right down to the wire. I validated at 11:59pm, and the NaNo Word Monkeys clocked me in at 50,101. And then I clicked on my winner link just as it flipped midnight went to my stats page.

I haven't heard from anyone, official or otherwise on what to do about this. Granted it might simply be that my timing is bad, it being the weekend, but it's frustrating as all hell that not even the community - my fellow Wrimos - has replied to me. So either no one knows, or I'm being ignored :p

Yeah, yeah, I know. Get off my high-horse, not center of the universe, etc.

ETA: Stupid leap second glitched the Camp NaNo site. They got it working. Glad to know it wasn't just me being paranoid.

Anyhow, I went to bed right after attempting quickly to track down my goods, as I knew I had a crap load of stuff happening today. I had weird dreams that I don't recall. I'm kinda glad I can't.

Also, I suspect that this year will be a record year for smut. Freaking hell, my headspace is warped. What's really whacked is that there's one part I may actually keep, since it helps make some actions near the end a little more relevant. I just have some minor bits to edit, and a lot of striked out crap that needs deleting and then I can go over what I Have and see what it is that I'm missing. Then I'll be trolling for beta readers before I toss it up on AO3.

My one issue with this entire thing is that (a) I went into it with no real sense of what needed to happen when, and (b) the plot was boring as hell for me. This type of set-up needs a special tension woven through it to keep it interesting, and I think I failed spectacularly at it. We;ll see. I hope to have this whittled down and posted prior to August, so y'all can read it and then egg me on to write the conclusion during Camp NaNo V2.0.

And for the love of all that's holy I will have a bona fide beat sheet for August. This might require input from beta reads on what my storylines should be. The primary one is obvious, and possibly the secondary one can be the one thing I'm thinking of, but I really do need the filler of the tertiary line, the lack of which nearly left me hanging last month.

Before November hits, I am going to track down a pre-fab dungeon delve that I can maybe work into another one of my episode slots. I did that last year and it worked really well.

To everyone who attended Camp, your word count makes you mighty, even if you didn't cross the 50K marker. Take the next few weeks off and I'll see you in August.

[Smut Count is in for this month: 10,071 words, which is less than I thought it would be, but about on par with what I usually sacrifice to the smut gods. Take away 3,135 words of crossed out/undeleted errors, and my final document for editing is 36,794 words. I'll lose about 300 more once I re-insert hyphens, but still. Not too shabby for a draft of viable working material.]

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