
Camp NaNo - Day 1

Jun 01, 2012 20:35



So, today's word count is craptastic, but it's still a word count. Why the crappy-ness on my day off? Well, let me tell you. I completely and utterly forgot about Camp NaNo, but I had good reason to. First I fought traffic all the way down to school, and a normally 40-minute drive took the better part of an hour. But, the people that I needed to be there were there and I was able to drop off my school key and pick up my car key. I also picked up my final three assignments, which hadn't been handed back during the actual semester.

My mid-term paper, which I swear to you is the worst paper I have ever written, netted an 18/20. How the frell that happened, I do not know. My Prof was a gracious, gracious man. I got "Excellent" on the actual homework questions, which is usually prof-speak for 10/10, and I got 15/15 on my final paper. Not to hard to do since it was a personal reflection paper and was dependent upon my personal observations from the semester-long meditation project.

After I hit up school, I went to the mall for retail therapy. My main goal was to go to this one store to see if they had my Sketchers, but alas, they didn't. I bought the latest issues of Nintendo Power and Star Wars Insider, as well as the latest Bone offering. As it was Buy 3 Get 1 Free, I decided to used this opportunity to pick up Spectre of the Past, since I don't have it and need to read it. Will pick up Vision of the Future at a later date. I have way too much on my plate, books-wise, so I have time.

I picked up Journey: The Essential Collection, as well as Camelot and Caprica 1.0 at HMV. Then, as the food court was closed, I headed home.

It was shortly after I walked in the door and started collecting my thoughts on what else had to be done today that I recalled Camp NaNo started today. Unfortunately, due to the rest of my To-Do List, my NaNovel was shunted to the end. The car I spent last weekend building isn't quite finished, and that sort of took precedence. I masked the body and managed to get the first coat of paint on it. I'll take the whole weekend to do it, just to make sure it's done right.

And after all that, I cannot find my copy of Photoshop CS. I found my 5.5 disk, but it's been so long that the Serial # I have no longer works. I'm not hopeful of ever finding that damned disk, as I tore my room apart and still couldn't find it. If I had a week off, I'd take it to do a thorough clean of the place, but alas, doing it piecemeal on random days off isn't going to help. At all.

Anyhow. Here's today's excerpt. Hopefully my brain gets into gear quickly so this story can happen.


The high-pitched whine of the electric motors reverberated throughout the hallway as the two miniature cars raced for the lead position. At the other end of the hall stood Colonel John Sheppard and Doctor Rodney McKay, each with a remote control in-hand as they concentrated on steering the vehicles with some modicum of skill. They were in a different area of the city from their last excursion for these purposes; the hallway was wider and allowed for their three spectators to sit well away from the action.

Teyla Emmagen sat with Torren in her lap, who was laughing and clapping his hands every time one of the cars wiped out. As they passed the toddler would try and reach out to catch one with a squeal of delight. Next to the pair sat Ronon Dex, his bordom only punctuated with moments of amusement as he tossed out comments and insults to John or Rodney, depending on which of the two racers was currently in second place.

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retail therapy, camp nanowrimo, school

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