
Being Over-Socialized Brings Over-Reactions :p

Apr 27, 2012 15:12

So, wow. This has been A Day, let me tell you. And having come off of A Week, well, let's just say my firing of Friday this morning over twitter was a harsh reaction because I have absolutely no more patience for anything.

Thankfully the staff situation at work is back to normal now that T is back from England and re-settled into the groove of being back at work, and I have Sunday and Monday off as per usual.

My day was originally supposed to have consisted of (a) haircut, (b) buying an outfit for tonight and (c) mall-crawling after that task was done.

Instead, my laptop had other things in store for me that nearly sent me into angry tears. I had my usual email progs and FF open, had a bit of a momentary lag in proceedings as I accessed Echofon, but nothing out of the ordinary. When I finally decided to login to World of Warcraft for an hour (live, because I knew beta would piss me off unintentionally), I was pretty happy with how the day was going, despite my mom being off work today, too.

But them my laptop gave me the background image for the login screen and nothing else. The thing froze. So I gave it time to unfreeze. And waited. And waited. ...I finally had to force a shut down, beacuse alt-tab'ing to another window or ctrl-alt-del didn't do a damned thing.

I've done this before and I have never had an issue in the 4 or 5 years since I've had my laptop. So I walked away after turning it back on again, figuring I'd be good to go by the time I got back.


I came back and my screen was this weird burlap-pattern-y white and black. I force a shut down again, wait 15 seconds, then try again. Same thing. I did this 2 more times, then decided to unplug it and pull the battery, just in case the memory wasn't flushing properly due to some trickle of power. Put it back in, restarted and still nothing.

Cue a very cheesed off me, and my angry proclamation to the Twitterverse of today being fired.

So I packed up my laptop, grumbling that I no longer would have the opportunity for anything after my hair appointment, as I now had to go to Future Shop and have the techs poke at my laptop. (Hair appointment was for 10am, so I couldn't even go to Future Shop first to drop it off and then go about my day. Go figure.)

So I got my hair done and prayed that the Murphy's Law of Computer Repair would hold true and that my laptop would suddenly correct itself once a tech laid hands on it and render me a liar. Oh did I pray.

(And aside for the hair thing: When the stylist was done, I pointed at my reflection and went "GINNY WEASLEY, WTF? AHAHAHAHA!" I look nothing like her, but my hair, oh god. It's a much deeper red and it's way shorter, but the way the front hung down did look a little like her XD)

My mom pointed out that there were a couple of clothing stores in the same plaza as Future Shop, so I went in to drop off my laptop first.

The tech turned it on and....nothing. Same white screen. "...Oh." was his reaction to that. So the first thing he does is pop the battery and put it back in. And I'll be damned if it didn't work that time. Stupid frelling laptop.

So he told me that it could be a loose wire or that this may or may not be a harbinger of hardware problems at some point in the future. He said they could do a hardware inspection for $60 and I said YES PLEASE. He told me about a promo they had, so for $150 they're going to pull it apart, clean it, check the hardware, etc. and I'll have it back in two days.

So now I'm relegated to my netbook, and am unable to do the stuff I normally do for church because it's all on my laptop. If my pastor sent my mom the email with the order of service, I could probably manage the power point stuff using my mom's computer, but that's taking it away from her for at least 2 hours.

I hijacked her computer to send an email to my pastor to inform him of the situation and asked him to drop a note to the guy that helps me out on Sundays when I can't be there to push the button to make the power point go. He's better than I am with power point designing, anyway, so meh.


I'm still trying to collect myself to be social tonight at the grad banquet, as my day to hide will be Monday; work tomorrow, church and dealing with parents on Sunday, please can I stop being around people yet??? It's been almost a month since my last hiding day (April 9th, whut), and that was spent finishing off homework :(

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shopping, world of warcraft, computer

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