In order of importance:
--- 600 words on what Joseph Stennett believes about the person of Christ. (317 words in and I was stuck for more. Reading Packer gave me ideas, and I bumped it up to 520. I decree that this is valid as a fulfillment of "or so" in the assignment's parameters.)
--- 250 word summary of the novella of J.I. Packer pages. (which you still have to read, idiot.) (I went over a little; figured it was okay since I didn't hit 600 for the previous bit :p I always hate feeling like I failed to mention something important.)
- Write SGA fic for
leoraine, now that Shep and I have decided what to do. - Snowflake Challenge catch-up
- Obi-Wan's Artistic License prompt, before the mods kill me
- Poke Sam to see if he's still cooperating with me
- Not kill my father if he ends up staying home sick
(This was a *very* near thing. That's all I'm saying.)
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