
Snowflake Challenge - Day 7

Jan 07, 2012 21:12

Day 7 is about asking for fannish things that we'd like to have. I've asked for stuff in the past, but I rarely do it as I rarely get a response. So, response or not, these are a few things I would love to have/see/gain access to/etc.


Journal Layout - I would adore a really nicely done SGA layout for my journal. Not necessarily character-centric, but a sorta of general layout that fits with the spirit of the show; I love the city of Atlantis as much as any of the characters, and I even named my car after the Puddle Jumpers (my car's name is PJ Kar, for the curious. Yes, I'm sad XD). A matching default icon (or icon set, if one were so inclined) wouldn't go amiss, either.

Samantha Carter/Cameron Mitchell Fic - I don't know where I decided to secretly squee at this pairing, but the moment at the end of Ark of Truth with Sam, Mitchell and the macaroons kills me ded. Every time. I would definitely settle for recs of good Sam/Cam fic, so if you can point me in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful.

Sheldon Cooper vs. Rodney McKay - I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN. I need someone to write me fic of Sheldon Cooper and Rodney McKay meeting and interacting and oh God the universe would so explode. And if someone has already done this? Please tell me where!!!!!!!!!!! YAY FIC REC'S!

RP Icons - I managed to make a single icon for my Sheppard and his OC girlfriend for an RP 'verse I play in, but it was fudged by cropping a screencap from an episode wherein a blond woman was kissing Shep and we only see the back of her head. So, I would love to have more. The OC's PB is Emilie de Ravin, and Sheppard is (obviously) Joe Flanigan.

Cupcakes - These were mentioned in the original post, however if you don't live in my vicinity this would be difficult to deliver on (unless you write me fic about Teyla and Sheppard and cupcakes) so I can fill this one for myself ^.^ I just figured I'd put it on the list since we were askin' for stuff and I'm craving cupcakes ;)

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challenge, fandom, snowflake challenge

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