
Saturday, Where Did You Go?

Oct 22, 2011 18:03

Snagged a 3-day weekend, somehow.

Thursday night we got the employee pep-talk and expectations thing, as well as a history of the company and a very long lesson on planes, engines, glues, and radios before G (G being one of the co-owners of the company) realized that it was 7:30pm and we'd been listening to him for 3 hours.

After a couple of comments that were made by the visiting folks, C asked T what hours he needed her to work, and then I asked whether my only working 9-12 Friday was really worth it, since it sounded like they didn't have a lot of stuff going on that required that many hands poking around.

After a quick consultation with G, T looked at us both and said, "See you Monday. Take the weekend off."

Then I asked if I could take one of the heli's home and G set me up, along with a couple of others. I have to bring it back Monday, though, which is sadface, because I WANT ONE SO MUCH.

So having Friday off completely allowed me to run to Michaels to grab some floss and Aida cloth, before heading to Chapters to see if they had a couple of the SGA novels I needed. Turns out I got my locations mixed up, but that was all good. Still spent $70 on dungeon tiles and books. (For the curious, I picked up two tile sets [one a massive Master Tile Set and the other a regular set) along with Naked Heat and Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Dungeons & Dragons [which is hilarious]. I also bought an Initial It! bookmark because my novel's MC demanded I buy it for her and it wasn't fair that I had one for me and not for her. She refused to accept that I had just bought her $35 worth of dungeon tiles to play with come November and a bookmark was pushing it. Stupid MC.)

Had my book of the month thing last night, too, which went really well.

And then today arrived.

Barely made it to Tai Chi this morning (it started 1/2-hour earlier than usual), but made it nonetheless.

Went shopping with dad and picked up 2 pairs of jeans for work, since the one I have are too light for G's liking and then headed over to the store to pick up a replacement part for the heli I brought home for the weekend. We made it just as they were about to leave, and my boss, T, bless him, stuck around so I could run in and grab it.

While I'm learning to fly, I won't have to pay for replacements; G said that he'd foot the bill until we all learned how to use the various floor models, but once we were granted our wings all replacement parts would be our responsibility to purchase and replace. This means that if we break it, we fix it. Which is fair, since we need to keep it available to do demo's and if it's broke? It can't be used.

Dad got to meet my boss et al. as well as snagging a sneak peak at the store. (Holy crap, they want to soft-open on the 26th with the grand opening on the 29th. The 26th is only three days away. And we have another shipment coming this week, too. >.< )

Came home after that and had lunch, then logged in for some Hallow's End quests, and then started another copy of the birth sampler I just completed for one friend, so I could give one to a second friend who just had a baby.

The one I finished just needs to be ironed, mounted and framed. I have the frame all ready to go. Just gotta dig up the iron and get to it.

Also started a craft experiment, which will dictate whether or not I do a very strange, yet ambitious project for Christmas. Which reminds me, I better go paint my second coat on the pieces and ask my dad what he did with my hot glue gun.

Just wrapped up the final edits on one of the powerpoints for tomorrow, too, so I'm all caught up on what needs to be done for this weekend. Just gotta go down and fix my heli and maybe get some flying time in before it gets too late.

And it's only 6:30pm.

Time for bed, yes?



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family, shopping, work, update, books, d&d, flying

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